Posts in Photos
Desk Photos 2025
- 14 January 2025
I came across the OWC Thunderbolt Go Dock whilst staying in Japan. It replaced my USB-C power adapters and the StarTech USB-C hub. It also has a built-in power supply so no power brick. I use it to charge my MacBook and power my external monitor and even charge my USB-C thoothbrush/shaver/powerbank/phone/watch charger.
Desk Photos 2024
- 24 July 2024
Repurposed my laundry room table as my desk after selling everything I own. You can see my travel NAS on top of my UPS in the corner on the floor.
Travel NAS 2024
- 04 May 2024
Last year I made up my mind to move away from Austin and sell all of my belongings, though I swear I’m not a minimalist. This included my homelab. However I still wanted to keep my data with me and ruled out cloud storage or a simple portable hard drive. I wanted a portable NAS for resilliency and I’ve grown to like TrueNAS.
Custom Fabricated Rack 2022
- 30 June 2022
I got a couple of items that warranted rewiring my TV cabinet rack: StarTech extenders and P-Link server rails. I inverted the extenders so I could recess the patch panel and switch, making room for the SFP modules and fiber cables. I can’t believe I can’t find any right angle adapters for the LC/UPC fiber patch cables!
Custom Fabricated Rack 2020
- 06 June 2020
Having my equipment hidden in a TV cabinet was all fine and well but after a while I got the server rack itch. So during the pandemic I learned Fusion 360 and made my own custom 10u rack posts. It turned out nicer than I expected! 3D models are available here: Robpol86/TV-Cabinet-Rack-Posts
Desk Photo 2018
- 14 January 2018
New apartment to cut down on my commute and new computer to take advantage of my 10 GbE home network and server. Upgraded from a Mac Pro to the new iMac Pro! 10 core Xeon + 4 TiB SSD + 128 GiB RAM - $3,000 employee discount = still a lot of money.
TV Cabinet Rack 2017
- 12 July 2017
I replaced my super cool Dell rack recently with a more normal-looking setup in my living room. After countless weeks looking for the right TV cabinet I finally found one deep enough to house a couple of 2U rackmount cases and a rackmount switch. It turned out nicer than I had expected! Don’t ask me how much all this cost.
Desk Photos 2017
- 14 January 2017
I’ve decided to get rid of my rack cabinet in my living room, so I started by moving my Mac Pro onto my desk and running ethernet cables through the wall. Also with my larger IKEA bed I had to rotate my desk 90 degrees to make everything fit.
Dell Rack 2016
- 17 September 2016
My server rack cabinet at home. Built my own router and zip tied a keystone panel so pulling out my rack doesn’t involve disconnecting my speaker wire. Listen to to hear how much noise this puts out (not really that much). For pix of the underside look at last year’s gallery.
Desk Photos 2016
- 01 June 2016
Right before I moved desks for the 6th time in 1.5 years. I lost my nice window desk, oh well.
Desk Photo 2015: Work @ Uber
- 24 July 2015
I really like standing desks and luckily Uber provides this contraption. Everyone seems to have one.
Dell Rack 2015
- 13 July 2015
My server rack cabinet at home. Removed everything from it, cleaned and dusted it, and installed only the things I’m using.
Desk Photos 2014
- 25 April 2014
Got back to having a standing desk. I stole this rolling desk since they moved us to a really cramped area and damned if I’m giving up one of my monitors.
Dell Rack 2013
- 25 October 2013
Taken after finally re-wiring it and setting it up after moving to San Francisco. I only took one photo of it :(
Desk Photos 2013
- 05 July 2013
I took this picture shortly before leaving Symantec. The office kept shrinking, people leaving but nobody being hired. I managed to get a nice window cubicle for a few months in the end.
Dell Rack 2012
- 21 August 2012
After over a whole year since receiving it I have finally made full use of my rack and transferred all of my computers and equipment to it.
Desk Photos 2012
- 03 January 2012
I shamefully upgraded from my custom built dual core AMD FX-60 computer to a quad core Intel Core2 Dell computer I borrowed from work. I’ve had that FX-60 for too long and it was showing its age. Also that KVM was so horrible.
Dell Rack 2011
- 10 June 2011
Ever since I took a Cisco CCNA class back in high school in 2002 I’ve always wanted a rack at home. I even bought one on Craigslist in 2007 for $100 but it had round holes and it was very shallow. Turns out it was meant for music equipment.
Desk Photo 2010: Work @ Symantec
- 05 August 2010
After the office consolidated into one floor (instead of two), this was my new cubicle.
Desk Photos 2009
- 05 March 2009
After moving buildings we didn’t have offices anymore, we had cubicles. These are actually really nice cubes!
Desk Photos 2007
- 21 February 2007
I shared this office with my coworker while I was a contractor at Symantec.
Desk Photo 2006
- 26 January 2006
First year in Austin after my computer died. I was stuck using that laptop for months.
Desk Photo 2005: Work @ TISD
- 19 August 2005
This was right before I left my first job for Austin. I loved that Dell Latitude C400 laptop (my first laptop) that I bought on eBay. I think it was a Pentium 3 866 MHz. And that’s a brownie.
Desk Photo 2004
- 16 January 2004
Got my kickass APC SUA1500 UPS! Weeks after getting it the house had a serious electrical problem and caused a brownout on my computer’s circuit. It would have been destroyed if it weren’t for my UPS. I also dabbled in the world of iptables and IP masquerading with my Linux router on a floppy.
Desk Photos 2003
- 15 March 2003
Started by a thread called “Where You Rock” on Big-O-Software Forums in early 2003, I began to take pictures of my desk to show off. Since then I have tried to take pictures of all my desks after significant changes for nostalgic purposes.