Posts tagged 3d-printing

Snapmaker Enclosure Door Reversal

I recently moved my Snapmaker 2.0 A350T printer to another part of my home. The official enclosure has a solid panel on the left side, a large door on the right, and a smaller door on the front. These panels are only designed to be installed in one specific order and orientation.

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Snapmaker 2.0 A350T Teflon Tube

I recently upgraded from my cheap and finicky Monoprice 3D printer to an expensive and versatile one (it WAS the latest and greatest for a few weeks 😭). After using it a few times I already got the modding itch.

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Monoprice Maker Select v2

I bought my first 3D printer from Amazon in 2018 for $300. It’s on the cheaper end but there’s a large community behind it.

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